Comment on rotter ' s social learning theory of personality 罗特尔的社会学习人格论评介
On quot; the localization quot; of theory of personality 论法律责任的概念
Factor analysis method in trait theory of personality 人格特质的因素分析
Comments on cattell ' s theory of personality trait 卡特尔人格特质理论述评
Three theories of personality in modern western psychology 现代西方心理学三种人格理论探析
Sheldon s constitutional theory of personality 谢尔登人格体质论
Social learning theory of personality 人格社会学习理论
Social origin theory of personality 个性的社会起源论
Theory of concentrating on human nature - the core of jin shengtan ' s theory of personality 金圣叹人物性格论的核心
Time period of galen , whose work influenced the medical community for 1500 years . galen worked on a theory of personalities , and was the first to classify emotions 盖仑时期,他的工作影响了医学界1500多年。他提出一种人格理论,并首先对情感进行分类。